Monday, October 13, 2008


Lately I've been working on finishing a project I started ...well...years ago.
A while ago I bought an old arcade game case from our local Nicklecade with the intention of fixing it up and turning into a MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator).

A MAME is a regular stand up arcade game that allows you to play most if not all arcade games you used to back in the 80's and 90's.

Anyway... With the weather turning cold and not much riding to do... I finally started my long standing project to turn this huge piece of furniture into something useful.

I spent the weekend collecting parts and material and then shaped it into place so by this evening...I was able to get a beta version of our new MAME system up and running. Everyone is very excited so I guess I better get it buttoned up so we can play it.

Here's a sneak preview of my system... Wires hanging and control panel pulled out but you get the idea.

I'm thinking of moving it into our front room once it's done. Right next to the grand piano?


Stacy said...

Holy Cow! I had no idea you were such a genius! I'm impressed!

sherrie said...

Eric - Sherrie Boxx here...just thought I'd say that when you were talking about a pressing project I thought you were talking about the bathroom that you demolished a few weeks ago. That must already be done or you surely wouldn't have time to work on a video game...right?!!! HE HE!